Monday, October 8, 2012

Started a new line dance - Besame Mucho

Our classes started a new line dance today, called Besame Mucho.  It's a slow cha cha and will be really easy!  This is a very pretty dance normally done to the song "Besame Mucho" by Trini Lopez (or I've also heard it by Elvis).  I don't have that song yet, but I have other slow cha cha songs that we can use.  I may yet download Besame Mucho and use that song.

Here is a link to a video of the dance:

Here is a link to the official step sheet:

Here is how I will cue the dance (start with your right foot):

Side, behind, side, cross, side rock recover, cross shuffle

Step together, step together, turn (or grapevine)

Left sway, left shuffle, right sway, right shuffle

Back rock recover, forward quarter turn, forward recover, cha cha cha

Note that I've included an option in the 2nd section that will replace the turn with a grapevine if anyone wants to try that.

I hope everyone will enjoy this dance!